Thursday, April 8, 2010

Chris Curry - How the republican party purge me

Decided in the end that this wasnt worth a read.   I intend to extend this post with a series of issues of substance but actually want to call Chris out first. 

“Now, we have became the party of the Old Straight White Folks. We should rename the Republican Party the OSWF rather than the GOP.” – Chris Currey

It’s interesting to be mocked. Since I am retired, white, and straight he must mean me. He feels free to paint me as racist and intolerant. And by the way the reference to Bedford Forest suggests I also belong to the Klan. And the implication on the Beck reference (who I never watch) is that I cant think for myself.

Well, Chris, let me tell you who we really are. We OSWF’s have been paying all the bills. As individuals we pay more federal income tax in a year, than most families do in a lifetime, and we do so year after year. We have been high achievers our whole life. We have been intensely competitive (and have been so on a global basis) and worked in industries where what made you good last year didn’t necessarily make you good this year. Many of us have run large organizations of people who are the very best at what they do in the world. Running these large organizations we have achieved very difficult and complex global organizational objectives on an annual basis. We have an incredible amount of “show me” experience learned through the school of hard knocks. Many of us have delivered first of a kind solutions to the world. Many of us led the efforts on affirmative action at our work place and attained corporate diversity objectives. Many of us are leaders in the local community directly addressing our localities most pressing social issues and financially supporting multiple local charities. We have a wealth of experience on what motivates people, how to manage people, and how to retain the best and the brightest. We have made the hiring, firing, promotion, and promotion decisions . Many of us have had to deal with a complex bureaucracy our whole careers and understand what it means when a new one is introduced. We OSWF’s have been winners our whole life. And we understand how to win. And the only thing we know how to do is think for ourselves. Mock us at your peril. The last 3 state wide elections – VA, NJ, and Mass have gone to OSWF’s. Finally, the other sexist, racist, and intolerant aspect of your characterization is that high achievers are only white males. I suggest you rename us the osf’s – old successful people which covers all races, sexes, and sexual orientation. And remember Chris the difference between champ and chump is U. CHUMP. See you in November.


  1. Kim, I think you missed the point of the article by focusing on the characterization of Republicans as OSWF's.

    The point of the article - for me anyway - was that Republicans have painted themselves in a corner by purging moderates and alienating independents in the process. My parents aren't that political. They voted for Reagan and Nixon (and Clinton and Kennedy). They think the current crop of Republicans are very out of touch. They were Obama all the way and like what he is doing so far.

    The demographics of American are changing. The GOP has little appeal outside non-whites. The intolerance against gays (because of the Christian lunatic fringe that drive many GOP policies) and the lack of interest in things of concern to hispanics and blacks alienates those demographics. Take umbrage at the glib OSWF characterization if you want, but the point is well-taken, if improperly delivered.

  2. As I said, intend to do a series of posts on isssues of significance so will attempt to be more constructive. However, OSWF and nathan bedford forest is typical of so many on the left. To not call it out means you accept the characterization.
